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The Great Post Office Robbery

Released: 1992-12-11
Studios: NDR, BR, Mafilm,

The heroes of this crime-comedy attempt to get hold of money by a funny trick. They start operating the new post-office of the housing estate a week before the official opening, pocketing the revenue themselves. The inhabitants of the estate do not understand the trick, and loads of money pour to the swindlers.

Director / Directors


Chick Ortega
Character: Balázs
Luke Mullaney
Character: Géza
Rajhona Ádám
Character: Főnök

Dorottya Udvaros
Character: Mari
Zita Perczel
Character: öregasszony
Fülöp Viktor
Character: öregember

Lajos Kovács
Character: Fest / Otilde
Jan Nowicki
Character: rendőr

Production and Crew

Piotr Sobociński
Director of Photography