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O-Bi, O-Ba: The End of Civilization

Calorie Rating: 125
Released: 1985-01-28
Running Time: 89 Minutes
Studios: Zespół Filmowy "Perspektywa",

The world has been ravaged by nuclear war. The planet is frozen and radiation kills anyone or anything that ventures outside of 'The Dome'. Soft is a shepherd for the last remnants of humanity who have gathered together as they await rescue from a mysterious craft known only as 'The Ark.' He wanders among the masses, performing his regular daily tasks; keeping morale from plummeting, wooing prostitutes, squashing rebellions, and sometimes feeding the hungry. But as the true and sinister nature of 'The Dome' comes to light, Soft must ask himself if humanity is worth saving...

Director / Directors


Jerzy Stuhr
Character: Soft
Krystyna Janda
Character: Gea
Kalina Jędrusik
Character: Millionaire's Wife

Mariusz Dmochowski
Character: Millionaire
Marek Walczewski
Character: Soft's Superior
Jan Nowicki
Character: Engineer

Henryk Bista
Character: Chubby
Leon Niemczyk
Character: Sleek
Krzysztof Majchrzak
Character: Fridge

Stanisław Igar
Character: Craftsman
Mariusz Benoit
Character: Doctor
Włodzimierz Musiał
Character: Kraft

Adam Ferency
Character: Unhappy
Ryszard Kotys
Character: Cellulose Maker
Marcin Troński
Character: Speculator

Alfred Freudenheim
Character: Man Issuing Crackers
Stanisław Manturzewski
Character: Man Pretending to Be a Dog

Elżbieta Zającówna
Character: Prostitute
Michał Białkowicz
Character: Irritating Man

Production and Crew

Ewa Krauze
Costume Design

Jerzy Satanowski
Original Music Composer
Witold Sobociński
Director of Photography
Andrzej Kowalczyk
Production Design

Helena Matejska
Makeup Artist
Zygmunt Nowak
Sound Effects

Zygmunt Król
Production Manager