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Larry Varanelli

Birthday: 1954-11-17
Birthplace: Orange, New Jersey, USA

Larry was born in Orange, New Jersey. After high school he headed west to attend San Diego State University, where he studied Physical Education and Business. After selling real estate for over 20 + years Larry caught the acting bug. At age 40 he began his acting career on the set of the movie Phenomenon. Once his children started college Larry headed straight for Los Angeles to pursue his passion for his craft and realize the thrill of appearing on the Silver Screen. He has worked on various movies and television shows, (Monk, General Hospital Night Shift) Including The web series Cold Call and The Ranger Larry Show. Larry also worked on three radio plays from 2012 to 2013. Larry Varanelli resides in Los Angeles where he's continually active in the artistic community.


Dead Air
Character: Press Secretary
Donna on Demand
Character: Detective Clark
The Retrievers
Character: Lumber Mill Worker #2

Dead Air
Character: Press Undersecretary
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
Character: Precision Driver
Blood Legend
Job: Location Manager