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Ladislav Novotný

Birthday: 1921-06-27
Died: 2003-04-01


Pohled do očí
Job: Executive Producer
Job: Executive Producer
Spanilá jízda
Job: Executive Producer

Job: Executive Producer
Táto, přečti to!
Job: Executive Producer
Bylo nás deset
Job: Executive Producer

Čas jeřabin
Job: Executive Producer
Deváté jméno
Job: Executive Producer
Tarzanova smrt
Job: Executive Producer

Zámek pro Barborku
Job: Executive Producer
Job: Executive Producer
Letos v září
Job: Executive Producer

The Five Sinners
Job: Executive Producer
Strakatí andělé
Job: Executive Producer
Seven Days in a Week
Job: Executive Producer

The Angel of Blissful Death
Job: Executive Producer
Job: Executive Producer
Job: Executive Producer

Courage for Every Day
Job: Executive Producer
Láska nebeská
Job: Executive Producer
Lov na mamuta
Job: Executive Producer

Místenka bez návratu
Job: Executive Producer
Horký vzduch
Job: Executive Producer
Hrdina má strach
Job: Executive Producer

Every Young Man
Job: Executive Producer
Svatba s podmínkou
Job: Executive Producer
The Pipes
Job: Executive Producer

Hotel for Strangers
Job: Executive Producer
Tvář a maska
Job: Production Manager
Who Wants to Kill Jessie?
Job: Executive Producer

Martyrs of Love
Job: Executive Producer
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Job: Executive Producer
The Murderer Hides His Face
Job: Executive Producer

Dívka s třemi velbloudy
Job: Executive Producer
No Entrance
Job: Executive Producer
The End of Agent W4C
Job: Executive Producer

The Valley of the Bees
Job: Executive Producer
The End of a Priest
Job: Executive Producer
Jarní vody
Job: Executive Producer

Královský omyl
Job: Executive Producer
The Limping Devil
Job: Executive Producer
Ta třetí
Job: Executive Producer

Váhavý střelec
Job: Executive Producer
September Nights
Job: Executive Producer
Looking Back
Job: Executive Producer

Job: Executive Producer
The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night
Job: Executive Producer
On the Trail of Blood
Job: Executive Producer

Rozloučení s Klementem Gottwaldem
Job: Production Manager
I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen
Job: Executive Producer
Tenkrát o vánocích
Job: Executive Producer

Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Job: Executive Producer
You Are a Widow, Sir
Job: Executive Producer
Job: Executive Producer

Murdering the Devil
Job: Executive Producer
Hry lásky šálivé
Job: Executive Producer
Five Men and One Heart
Job: Executive Producer

Oil Lamps
Job: Executive Producer
Dogs and People
Job: Executive Producer
Straw Hat
Job: Executive Producer

The Secret of a Great Narrator
Job: Executive Producer
Velikonoční dovolená
Job: Executive Producer
Vím, že jsi vrah...
Job: Executive Producer

Six Bears and a Clown
Job: Production Manager
Three Men Travelling
Job: Production Manager
My Dear Aunt and Me
Job: Production Manager

Quails and King
Job: Production Manager
King of the Sumava
Job: Executive Producer
Romeo, Juliet and Darkness
Job: Executive Producer

Life for Jan Kaspar
Job: Executive Producer
Plavení hříbat
Job: Production Manager
The Devil's Trap
Job: Executive Producer

Hledá se táta!
Job: Executive Producer
Bílá spona
Job: Executive Producer
U nás v Mechově
Job: Executive Producer

Smoke on the Potato Fields
Job: Production Manager
'Okay, Boss...!'
Job: Production Manager
Koncert pro mantinely
Job: Production Manager

I'll Be Good, Old Man!
Job: Production Manager
Diagnóza smrti
Job: Production Manager

Job: Production Manager
V zámku a podzámčí
Job: Production Manager
Výhra admirála Kotrby
Job: Production Manager

Láska na druhý pohled
Job: Production Manager
The Death of a Talented Cobbler
Job: Production Manager

Grandmothers Recharge Well!
Job: Production Manager
Příliš velká šance
Job: Production Manager
Mr. Prokouk, The Office Clerk
Job: Production Manager

This Is How Love Begins...
Job: Production Manager
Revolution in Toyland
Job: Production Manager
Job: Production Manager

Experiment Eva
Job: Production Manager
It’s Not Always Cloudy
Job: Production Manager