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Marián Minárik

AKA: Marián Minárik Častovský
Birthday: 1939-03-25
Died: 2020-10-04


Bitka o van Gogha
Job: Director of Photography
Chlap prezývaný Brumteles
Job: Director of Photography

Trieda plná pýchy
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography
Rodina Tjaeldovcov
Job: Director of Photography

Svetlo na spodnej haluzi
Job: Director of Photography
12 mesiačkov
Job: Camera Operator
Hra bez lásky
Job: Camera Operator

Francois Villon – spor o básnika
Job: Director of Photography
Ženský zákon
Job: Director of Photography
Ľubica medvedica
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Screenplay
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Director of Photography
Líšky dobrú noc
Job: Director of Photography
Pred súdom
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Director of Photography
Bírbal a sprisahanci
Job: Director of Photography
Ujo Váňa
Job: Director of Photography

Básnikova cesta do neba
Job: Director of Photography
Ako klamal jej mužovi
Job: Director of Photography
Cudzím vstup zakázaný
Job: Director of Photography

Keď jubilant plače
Job: Director of Photography
Patálie s kamerou
Job: Director of Photography
Posledná prekážka
Job: Director of Photography

Silvestrovské pranie
Job: Director of Photography
V stolnom meste Kyjeve
Job: Director of Photography
Čudný človek
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Director of Photography
Strieborný prach
Job: Director of Photography
Plukovník Chabert
Job: Director of Photography

Posledná hodina
Job: Camera Operator
Prípad Evy Burdovej
Job: Director of Photography
Slnko vychádza nad Prašivou
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Adaptation
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Priateľka mojej dcéry
Job: Director of Photography
Smrť malomeštiaka
Job: Director of Photography
Jediný syn
Job: Director of Photography

Múdry Maťko a blázni
Job: Director of Photography
Žena úspešného muža
Job: Director of Photography
Fyzikus Rayman
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Director of Photography
Jennie Gerhardtová
Job: Director of Photography
Krvavé sonety
Job: Director of Photography

Čarovná čaša
Job: Director of Photography
Dvadsať tisíc v koši
Job: Director of Photography
Hodina zažíhania sviec
Job: Director of Photography

Mŕtvi maturovať nebudú
Job: Director of Photography
Na skle maľované
Job: Director of Photography

Muž, ktorý miloval symfóniu čísel
Job: Director of Photography
S.O.S. (strašne ošemetná situácia)
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Director of Photography
Veselé panie z Windsoru
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Hlavolam pre Mocninu
Job: Director of Photography
Mojmír II.
Job: Director of Photography
Pravá tvár Ľudovíta Štúra
Job: Director of Photography

Rozprávanie pani N.N.
Job: Director of Photography
Modrá katedrála
Job: Director of Photography
Potomstvo hájnikovej ženy
Job: Director of Photography

Dedova truhlica
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography
Syn človeka
Job: Director of Photography

Oddychový čas (pre sudcu)
Job: Director of Photography
Podivné okolnosti
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Zlatá panna a prekliaty brat
Job: Director of Photography
Slávne dievčatko
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director

Tiene v raji
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Čaj u pána senátora
Job: Director of Photography
Komisár je dobrák
Job: Director of Photography
Kto ste, Jozef Gabčík
Job: Director of Photography

Zenovo vedomie
Job: Director of Photography
Náš pán doktor
Job: Director of Photography
Poviem mu to sám
Job: Director of Photography

Dnes platí regulačný stupeň č. 6
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Princezná a mesiac
Job: Screenplay
Princezná a mesiac
Job: Director
Samej mi je smutno
Job: Director of Photography

Miško drotár a naozajstná princezná
Job: Director of Photography
Tomáš a Zuzana
Job: Director of Photography
Vláčik do stanice víťazstvo
Job: Director of Photography

Raz, dva, tri
Job: Director of Photography
Stalo sa v našom mestečku
Job: Director of Photography
Dvaja muži pod posteľou
Job: Director of Photography

Žakýlska Veronka
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director
Job: Writer

Heloisa a Abelard
Job: Director of Photography
Čistá biela stena
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Mat na dvadsať ťahov
Job: Director of Photography
Pod cudzím nebom
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography

Job: Director of Photography
Odvážny krajčírik
Job: Director of Photography
Najkrajší kvet
Job: Director of Photography

Listy Juliane
Job: Director of Photography
Úder pod pás
Job: Director of Photography
Slnečné hodiny
Job: Director of Photography

Balada o vkladnej knižke
Job: Director of Photography
Job: Director of Photography
Ľudská láska
Job: Director of Photography