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Bob Burns

AKA: Robert Burns
Birthday: 1935-05-12

Bob Burns (born May 12, 1935) is an actor, consultant, producer, archivist and historian of props, costumes, and other screen used paraphernalia from some of the greatest (and not so great) science fiction, fantasy, and horror motion pictures. He is best known for his work with and collection of movie props, particularly from horror and science-fiction movies. He has also had numerous smaller acting roles in movies, including Tracy the Gorilla from the 1975 television show The Ghost Busters.


The Vampire Hunters Club
Character: Bob

The Naked Monster
Character: Admiral Burns / Tracy the Gorilla

Men in Suits
Character: Self
Superbman: The Other Movie
Character: Tracy the Gorilla

Hollywood Goes Ape!
Character: Himself

Invasion of the Saucer-Men
Character: Saucer Man
The Adventures of the Spirit
Character: Mad Mummy/Captain America/Superman

Charlie Gemora: Uncredited
Character: Himself
Character: Doctor / Co-pilot
Lemon Grove Kids Meet the Monsters
Character: Kogar the Gorilla

Rat Pfink a Boo Boo
Character: Kogar the Gorilla
Time Machine: The Journey Back
Character: Himself

The Lovely Bones
Character: Mall Shopper

Dark and Stormy Night
Character: Kogar the Gorilla
Corman's World
Character: Self - Monster Maker

The Alien Legacy
Character: Self
Captain America vs. The Mutant
Character: Metaluna Mutant

Return to Bronson Canyon
Character: Ro-Man
Whatever Happened to Ro–Man?
Character: Himself
The Monster
Character: Scientist

Time Machine: The Journey Back
Job: Executive Producer

Not of This Earth
Job: Special Effects
The Cliff Monster
Job: Director
The Monster
Job: Director

The Monster
Job: Writer