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Golden Horseshoe, Golden Pen, Golden Hair

Released: 1998-01-01
Studios: Slovenská televízia Bratislava,

The biographical story of Pavel Emanuel Dobšinský - a television film about the life and knowledge of a man who managed to stay true to himself, his people and his ideas despite the times. The story begins at the end of the great storyteller's life, when through his own memories, captured by his hand and in book form, he returns to his childhood, the time he entered the Levoč grammar school, to 1840. In this film, author Peter Glocko, a trusted expert on Dobšinský's work and life, guides us through all the personal and historical vicissitudes of the hero's life, reveals the influences that marked his ability to squeeze into his stories the wisdom of knowledge and knowledge of the people from which he came, as well as the basic life principles that the reader - young or old - still draws from his tales.

Director / Directors


Filip Petrovič
Character: Pavel Emanuel Dobšinský
Vladimír Kobielský
Character: Pavel Emanuel Dobšinský
Boris Farkaš
Character: Pavel Emanuel Dobšinský

Oľga Solárová
Character: Adela
Martin Huraj
Character: Ján Botto
Tomáš Maštalír
Character: Ján Botto

Matej Landl
Character: Ján Botto
Peter Jamrich
Character: Ján Čajak
Gregor Hološka
Character: Ján Čajak

Matúš Krátky
Character: Ľudovít Kubáni
Marko Igonda
Character: Ľudovít Kubáni
Leopold Haverl
Character: bača

Igor Čillík
Character: báťa Mrva
Mária Landlová
Character: Paulína
Jakub Landl
Character: Janko Čajak

Henrich Šiška
Character: Janko Čajak
Patrik Bauman
Character: Vladko
Michal Benedik
Character: ľudko

Štefan Kožka
Character: inšpektor Szepréty
Ľudovít Moravčík
Character: profesor Tomášik
Ivan Romančík
Character: kapitán Kaizser

Bernard Priecel
Character: profesor Hauszner
Ivan Krúpa
Character: Maťo
Zuzana Norisová
Character: sestrička

Tibor Frlajs
Character: špiceľ
Peter Šimun
Character: honelník
Pavol Šajmovič
Character: honelník

Production and Crew

Ondrej Blizniak
Costume Design
Peter Mankovecký
Original Music Composer

Ivan Finta
Director of Photography