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Age of Audio

Released: 2024-10-26
Studios: XTR, Geoff Clark Productions, Open Ended Films, TRG Sound & Vision,

In the 21st century, audio storytelling, one of the oldest forms of entertainment, experienced a remarkable resurgence, giving birth to the new medium and industry of podcasting. This documentary delves into this revival, offering insights into the history and impact of audio storytelling as it evolves.

Director / Directors


Marc Maron
Character: Self
Kevin Smith
Character: Self
Ira Glass
Character: Self

Fred Armisen
Character: Self
Kara Swisher
Character: Self
Paul F. Tompkins
Character: Self

Amanda Lund
Character: Self
Adam Carolla
Character: Self
Scott Mosier
Character: Self

Scott Aukerman
Character: Self
Matt Gourley
Character: Self
Marc Bernardin
Character: Self

Shereen Lani Younes
Character: Self
Josh Clark
Character: Self
Leo Laporte
Character: Self

Adam Curry
Character: Self
Hernan Lopez
Character: Self
Jad Abumrad
Character: Self

Ronald Young, Jr.
Character: Self
Chioke I'Anson
Character: Self

Production and Crew

Joel Herrera
Geoffrey James Clark
Executive Producer

Ellen Horne
CC Paschal
Story Consultant