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Wedding in Malinovka

Calorie Rating: 133
Released: 1967-06-06
Running Time: 95 Minutes
Studios: Lenfilm,

The movie takes place during Russia's civil war between the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (Mensheviks). Andrejka and Yarinka are a young betrothed couple in the village of Malinovka, caught between the battle lines. Gritsian is the leader of a Menshevik band who are planning to attack the village. Yarinka appeals to the local Bolshevik commander for his faction's help. The Bolsheviks quickly come up with a plan to save the village... but the plan requires Yarinka to enter into a pretend marriage with Gritsian.

Director / Directors


Vladimir Samoylov
Character: Назар Дума
Mikhail Pugovkin
Character: Яшка-артиллерист
Yevgeni Lebedev
Character: Нечипор

Margarita Krinitsyna
Character: Рыжая
Nikolai Slichenko
Character: Петря
Andrei Abrikosov
Character: Балясный

Grigori Abrikosov
Character: атаман Грициан Таврический
Aleksei Smirnov
Character: Бандит "Сметана"
Mikhail Vodyanoy
Character: Попандопуло

Geliy Sysoev
Character: Андрейка
Tamara Nosova
Character: Комариха
Zoya Fyodorova
Character: Горпина Дормидонтовна

Valentina Lysenko
Character: Яринка
Aleksandr Zakharov
Character: эпизод
Lev Stepanov
Character: бандит

Lyudmyla Alfimova
Character: Софья

Production and Crew

Boris Aleksandrov
Theatre Play