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In Watermelon Sugar
Released: 1986-10-03
Running Time: 82 Minutes
Homepage: http://www.hippocket.org/index.html
Studios: Hip Pocket Theatre,
Presented by Hip Pocket Theatre, Fort Worth, Texas. In Watermelon Sugar takes place in a world where life is lived simply and everything is made from watermelon sugar, a substance refined from both the watermelons grown on the commune and Brautigan's considerable imagination. The central character, another of Brautigan's gentle narrators, is the only writer in what seems to be the only settlement left on the planet. In fact, intellectual and artistic pursuits are allowed but not encouraged in the commune called iDEATH. Most of the residents live their lives on a more literal, physical plane: making stew for the gang, turning watermelons into building materials, and constructing transparent underwater tombs. Life at iDEATH moves at a leisurely, idyllic pace.