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Kawin Laris

Released: 2009-01-15

Since he was little, Agus wanted to become a penghulu, but the marriage rate in Agus sub-district has dropped dramatically. The sub-district branch is threatened with having to join the adjoining sub-district which is chaired by Deon, a narcissistic and materialistic young headman with his assistant, Mamud, the scalper who is also Deon's manager. At the same time, Agus received bad news. His parents are getting a divorce. Agus' view of the beauty of marriage is shattered in an instant. It seemed that right now, the most important person he had to convince was himself.

Director / Directors


Vincent Rompies
Character: Deon
Zumi Zola
Character: Agus
Character: Mamud

Edric Tjandra
Character: Beben
Udjo Project Pop
Character: Pandu
Nana Mirdad
Character: Amanda Alisa

Jill Gladys
Character: Iin
Sujiwo Tejo
Character: Bapak Pengantin
Ingrid Widjanarko
Character: Ibu Pengantin

Deddy Mahendra Desta
Character: Pengantin Selingkuh
Character: Pengantin Nervous Cowok

Production and Crew

Melody Lim
Zumi Zola