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Weight in lbs.

ft   in


Silent Voice

Calorie Rating: 167
Released: 2009-12-09
Running Time: 119 Minutes
Studios: Rezo Productions,

An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…

Director / Directors

Léa Fehner


Farida Rahouadj
Character: Zohra
Reda Kateb
Character: Stéphane / Joseph
Pauline Étienne
Character: Laure

Marc Barbé
Character: Pierre
Vincent Rottiers
Character: Alexandre
Julien Lucas
Character: Antoine

Delphine Chuillot
Character: Céline
Dinara Drukarova
Character: Elsa
Michaël Erpelding
Character: François

Fanny Avram
Character: Femme du parvis
Edmonde Franchi
Character: Mère de Stéphane
Françoise Guiol
Character: Mère de Laure

Oumria Mouffok
Character: Médecin hôpital
Brice Kazian
Character: Interne hôpital
Gertrude Hubert
Character: Infirmière accueil

Zohra Benali
Character: Fatiha
Pascal Farré
Character: Associatif expulsion
Fouzia Lyamini
Character: Nadia

Nacer Belhaoues
Character: Mokrann
Philippe Liégeois
Character: Avocat Alexandre (voice)
Françoise Michaud
Character: Travailleuse sociale

François Fehner
Character: Le juge
Stéphanie Fatout
Character: Femme du pressing
Marion Bouvarel
Character: Femme stop prison

Laurane Jacques Sannier
Character: Enfant de Céline
Naïm Touati
Character: Enfant de Céline
Sacha Mijovic
Character: Ami de Pierre

Ali Darar
Character: Ami de Pierre
Inès Fehner
Character: Femme parloir
Hélène Milano
Character: Gynécologue

Character: Rachid
Magalie Contreras
Character: Anna
Christian Mellon
Character: Surveillant chef parloir

Steeve Gasparin
Character: Surveillant
Karim Bouaziz
Character: Surveillant
Thomas Robert
Character: Surveillant

Kheira Idri
Character: Femme parloir
Nawel Bessayoud
Character: Femme parloir
Malika Aboud
Character: Femme parloir

Chafika Arris
Character: Femme parloir
Aurore Caro
Character: Femme parloir
Salah Benhacene
Character: Homme parloir

Johanna Bailly
Character: Femme parloir
Milo Versini
Character: Homme parloir
Karima Beddou
Character: Femme parloir

Djamel Adrar
Character: Homme parloir
Cédric Allibert
Character: Homme parloir
Nicolas Bach Belhaouane
Character: Homme parloir

M. Idri
Character: Visiteur
Daniel Bailly
Character: Homme parloir
Brahim Bekkouche
Character: Homme parloir

Nicolas N'Goma Pambou
Character: Homme parloir

Production and Crew

Jean-Louis Vialard
Director of Photography