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Alex Shelley: Made in Detroit

Calorie Rating: 535
Running Time: 381 Minutes

"Talent on loan from God" - that is how Alex Shelley referred to himself the night Generation Next made its debut in Philadelphia and given the amazing wrestling abilities he has displayed throughout his career, it's a nickname hard to discredit. Even before he helped found the group, during his tag team and subsequent rivalry with Jimmy Jacobs, Alex Shelley demonstrated gifts few wrestlers possess and it only blossomed further under the GenNext banner. Battles with Jay Lethal, Doug Williams, and Bryan Danielson honed his technical prowess and prepared Alex for what would come next as he was exiled from the group he founded...

Director / Directors


Patrick Martin
Character: Alex Shelley
Christopher Scoville
Character: Jimmy Jacobs
Scott Colton
Character: Colt Cabana

Christopher Guy
Character: Himself
Jack Miller
Character: Jack Evans
Kazuhiko Masada
Character: Masada

James Guffey
Character: Jimmy Rave
Danny Daniels
Character: Himself
Jamar Shipman
Character: Hydro

Daniel Solwold Jr.
Character: Austin Aries
Christopher Lindsey
Character: Roderick Strong
John Stagikas
Character: John Walters

Bryan Woermann
Character: Matt Stryker
Doug Durdle
Character: Doug Williams
Bryan Danielson
Character: Himself

Brian Kendrick
Character: Spanky
Phil Brooks
Character: CM Punk
Samoa Joe
Character: Samoa Joe

Steven Haworth
Character: Nigel McGuinness
Eddie Villa
Character: Fast Eddie
Chris Parks
Character: Abyss

Masato Yoshino
Character: Himself
Nobuyoshi Nakamura
Character: Dragon Kid
Hiromasa Horiguchi
Character: Genki Horiguchi

Ryo Saito
Character: Himself
Josh Harter
Character: Chris Sabin
Shelly Martinez
Character: Ariel

Kevin Fertig
Character: Thorn
Mark Pugh
Character: Mark Briscoe
Jamin Pugh
Character: Jay Briscoe

Production and Crew