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ROH: Throwdown

Released: 2006-06-23
Studios: Ring of Honor (ROH),

ROH Throwdown is an event produced by Ring of Honor. It took place on June 23, 2006 in Detroit, Michigan at the Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center.

Director / Directors


Kenta Kobayashi
Character: KENTA
Christopher Lindsey
Character: Roderick Strong

Benjamin Whitmer
Character: BJ Whitmer
Christopher Scoville
Character: Jimmy Jacobs

Nelson Rodriguez Erazo
Character: Homicide
Dylan Keith Summers
Character: Necro Butcher

William Hunter Johnston
Character: Delirious
Wesley David Richards
Character: Davey Richards
James Guffey
Character: Jimmy Rave

Samoa Joe
Character: Samoa Joe
Jamin Pugh
Character: Jay Briscoe
Mark Pugh
Character: Mark Briscoe

Scott Colton
Character: Colt Cabana
Steven Haworth
Character: Nigel McGuinness

Production and Crew