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ROH: The Bitter End

Released: 2006-11-04
Studios: Ring of Honor (ROH),

The Bitter End was a professional wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on November 4, 2006 at the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The show's name comes from the main event, as Homicide and Steve Corino were scheduled to compete in a Fight Without Honor to end their four year long feud.

Director / Directors


Nelson Rodriguez Erazo
Character: Homicide
Chris Spradlin
Character: Chris Hero

Daniel Solwold Jr.
Character: Austin Aries
Christopher Lindsey
Character: Roderick Strong

Wesley David Richards
Character: Davey Richards
William Hunter Johnston
Character: Delirious
Jamin Pugh
Character: Jay Briscoe

Mark Pugh
Character: Mark Briscoe
James Guffey
Character: Jimmy Rave

Samoa Joe
Character: Samoa Joe
Steven Haworth
Character: Nigel McGuinness

Benjamin Whitmer
Character: BJ Whitmer
Scott Colton
Character: Colt Cabana
Rick Diaz
Character: Ricky Reyes

Christopher Daniel Covell
Character: Christopher Daniels
Matt Capiccioni
Character: Matt Cross

Production and Crew