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Male Female

Weight in lbs.

ft   in


Viktor Pavlov

AKA: Viktor Pavlov
Birthday: 1940-10-06
Died: 2006-08-24
Birthplace: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR


Take Alive
Character: Zhmachenko, foreman

Listen, on the other side
Character: Zaytsev

Say a Word for the Poor Hussar
Character: Тюремщик Степан

Alyonushka and the Soldier
Character: (voice)
Character: генерал Талалаев («Батя»)

When Leaving, Leave
Character: Дмитрий Павлович Сулин, роль бухгалтер
Offered for Singles
Character: Илья Беленький («Боцман»)

Trial on the Road
Character: Полицай

At War as at War
Character: Grisha Shcherbak

Major 'Whirlwind'
Character: Agent Kolya
Character: Никифор Чепалов
The Fatal Eggs
Character: Angel in boots

The Purple Ball
Character: Людоед

Farewell of a Slav Woman
Character: Fedor Leontyevich, neighbor

Funny People!
Character: человек на ярмарке, потерявший ногу
Hello and Goodbye
Character: Васька-сеньор, ухажер Нади

The Gambler
Character: Crucian
Светлая личность
Character: Каин Доброгласов

Character: Lieutenant colonel , Head of the colony
The Master and Margarita
Character: Behemoth

Naval Cadets, Charge!
Character: Kotov
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures
Character: Дуб, новелла «Наваждение»

Sympathy Seeker
Character: Vitya

Prince Udacha Andreyevich
Character: участковый милиционер
Счет человеческий
Character: Глебов (врач)

The Adjutant of His Excellency
Character: Мирон Осадчий

A Profitable Position
Character: чиновник Белогубов
Character: Petrenko

At the Dawn of Our Youthful Years
Character: Oleg Koltsov
Crane in the Sky
Character: Илья

The Wizard of the Emerald City
Character: James Goodwin (Wizard)
Дети Ванюшина
Character: Красавин Степан Фёдорович

Character: "Dub"
Over the Dark Water
Character: sosed
The Envy of Gods
Character: Vilen

Character: Корнелий Удалов
Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog
Character: Vadim Alekseevich Fufachev
Almanzor's Rings
Character: Abaldon

Я сама
Character: следователь
A Chivalrous Romance
Character: Агеласт
In August of 1944
Character: начальник продсклада

Pilots Scientific Section
Character: Polkovnik

Adventure Firm
Character: Harton - director of the "Adventure Firm"
Man Without a Passport
Character: Горохов

Mary Poppins
Character: Сторож

Time, Forward!
Character: accordionist

A Train to a Distant August
Character: Rate's representative

Character: Dokuchaev Ilya Petrovich
The Last Escape
Character: Vetrov

Character: генерал Талалаев - «Батя»
Character: генерал Талалаев - «Батя»
Character: генерал Талалаев - «Батя»

Character: генерал Талалаев - «Батя»

Love For Your Neighbor
Character: Павел Карпович Маслобойников
You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?
Character: Семен Павлинов

Son of the Regiment
Character: Кузьма Горбунов - разведчик

Fourth Height
Character: старший тренер по прыжкам в воду
The Caravan Of Death
Character: Lieutenant Colonel Sablin, head of the political department of the border detachment
Fun of the Young
Character: Bobylyov

Rock'n'Roll For Princesses
Character: King of the Philogenians
The Dodgers
Character: Metel

Character: Anton Spitsyn
Operation "Wonderland"
Character: стармех
The Strogovs
Character: Demyan Shtychkov

Cheka Employee
Character: red-headed wounded guy
Character: городовой

The Zavyalov Weirdos
Character: снабженец (роман «Капроновая ёлочка»)