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Jofre Soares

AKA: Joffre Soares
Birthday: 1918-09-21
Died: 1996-08-19
Birthplace: Palmeira dos Índios, Alagoas, Brazil

José Jofre Soares (Palmeira dos Índios, 21 September 1918 – São Paulo, 19 August 1996) was a Brazilian actor and nautical officer. He is considered one of the great names in Brazilian cinema.


Barren Lives
Character: Fazendeiro
Character: Cel. Ramiro Bastos

Bye Bye Brazil
Character: Zé da Luz

Mr. Abrakadabra!
Character: Mr Abrakadabra

The Amulet of Ogum
Character: Dr. Severiano

Memories of Prison
Character: Soares
O Jeca Macumbeiro
Character: Januário

The Hour and Turn of Augusto Matraga
Character: Joãozinho Bem-Bem
O Jogo da Vida
Character: Lima

The Prophet of Hunger
Character: Padre
Perfumed Ball
Character: Padre Cícero

Summer Showers
Character: Afonso

Tent of Miracles
Character: Coronel Gomes
Tragic Jungle
Character: Nitan

Cada um Dá o Que Tem
Character: Albino
A Guerra dos Pelados
Character: Pai Velho

Sagarana: O Duelo
Character: Cara de Bronze
Character: Canindé

Cordão de Ouro
Character: Pedro Cem

Antonio das Mortes
Character: Colonel Horácio
Maria Bonita, Rainha do Cangaço
Character: Salustiano

Entranced Earth
Character: Padre Gil
Character: Mestre Manoel
The Love Bug
Character: Padre

Padre Cícero: Os Milagres de Juazeiro
Character: Padre Cícero Romão Batista
The Conquest of Paradise
Character: João Mentira
O Caçador de Esmeraldas
Character: Fernão Dias

Deadly Cruelty
Character: Antônio
João and the Knife
Character: João

The Godless Bandit
Character: Coronel
O Cangaceiro
Character: Tico velho

The Naked Man
Character: Senador Santos Neves
Journey to the End of the World
Character: Velho Barbosa

S. Bernardo
Character: Padre Brito
Memórias do Grupo Opinião
Character: Self (archive footage)
Colonel Delmiro Gouveia
Character: Coronel Ulisses

Conjugal Warfare
Character: Joãozinho
Por Incrível que Pareça
Character: George

Time for Revenge
Character: El padre
Corisco, o Diabo Loiro
Character: Domingos

The Animal's Skin
Character: Coronel Tonho
Better Days Ahead
Character: Coronel

Domingo em Família
Character: Seu Souza
O Menino da Porteira
Character: Major Batista

O Cangaceiro Sanguinário
Character: Coronel Justino
A Madona de Cedro
Character: Padre Estêvão

Sonhos de Menina Moça
Character: Napoleão
O Bom Burguês
Character: O Velho

O Filho Adotivo
Character: Isidoro

Lavra Dor
Character: (voice)
O Predileto
Character: Totônio Pacheco

Sonhei com Você
Character: Bento
O Grande Mentecapto
Character: Cego Elias

Batalha dos Guararapes
Character: Frei Salvador
O Crime do Zé Bigorna
Character: Coronel Querino

The Big City
Character: Lourival

A Man and His Cage
Character: Homossexual

Character: Narrador