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Male Female

Weight in lbs.

ft   in


Constantin Codrescu

AKA: Константин Кодреску
Birthday: 1931-09-05
Died: 2022-11-14
Birthplace: Huși, Vaslui, România


The Ladder
Character: Priest Necula

Pistruiatul 2: Ascunzișuri
Character: Potra
For Motherland
Character: C.A. Rosetti

The Redhead
Character: Florica Potra
The Mill of Good Luck
Character: Ghiță
Yellow Rose
Character: Rosetti

The Dowry of Lady Ralu
Character: Ianuli
The Uprising
Character: Baloleanu
Terente: The King of Swamps
Character: Amiralul

The Silver Mask
Character: Ion Heliade-Rădulescu
Poor Ioanide
Character: funcționarul de stat Dinu Gaittani

The Turquoise Necklace
Character: primul căuzaș
Michael the Brave
Character: Wallachian Prince Alexander the Bad

The Outlaws of Sevenhorses
Character: Lanuli
Missing Witnesses
Character: Pană Vulpescu
Săptămâna nebunilor
Character: Ianuli

Mercenaries' Trap
Character: Mayer
The Beech Forest
Character: Telecom Director
Everything is Paid
Character: Eliade

Family Album
Character: Titus
The Kid
Character: Cardiologist

The Escape
Character: Vlăsceanu
Magic Circle
Character: Mihai Onu
Your Part of the Blame
Character: Banu

Underneath the Surface
Character: Albu
At the Crossroads of Great Storms
Character: Eliade-Rădulescu

Grandpa and Two Young Offenders
Character: First Judge

Bătălia din umbră
Character: Mihai Cernăianu
Un oaspete la cină
Character: Professor Pandrea
Nepoţii gornistului
Character: Illes