Customize Results:
Male Female

Weight in lbs.

ft   in


Radomil Uhlíř

Birthday: 1957-04-10
Died: 2019-04-15


To the Woods
Character: farář

Ulovit miliardáře
Character: Jiří Skopový
The Gnome
Character: Foreman
Stone Bridge
Character: Psychiatrist

It's Gonna Get Worse
Character: Ota
It's Gonna Get Worse
Character: Lesní muž
Out of the City
Character: farář Hnilička

Character: The Stoned Manager

The Good Plumber
Character: Strejc 1
Škola princů
Character: Bambula

Lethal Target
Character: Prison Warden
Pražská 5
Character: Pavel (segment "Na brigádě!")