Customize Results:
Male Female

Weight in lbs.

ft   in


Ovidiu Schumacher

Birthday: 1942-07-26
Birthplace: Moreni, Dâmbovița, România


The Son of the Stars
Character: (voice)
That Trip We Took with Dad
Character: William Reinholtz

I have an Idea
Character: Jurubitä
The Green Grass of Home
Character: profesorul de sport Florin Frânculescu

Spring of the Goslings
Character: felcerul Sâmbotin de la dispensarul veterinar
The Mace with Three Seals
Character: Simeon Movila

Felix and Otilia
Character: Titi
Stefan Luchian
Character: Nicolae Petrescu-Găină

A Summer Tale
Character: Avocat Tănase
We Do Not Film Just for Fun
Character: Dieter

Character: Fekete
Operation 'The Monster'
Character: Writer

January Dream
Character: Alecu Russo
Sand Cliffs
Character: Șelaru

Character: Painter
The Season of Love
Character: mechanic foreman

The Beheaded Rooster
Character: Rev. Stamm
Anything for Soccer
Character: felcerul Jurubita