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Kevin Herlambang

Birthday: 2001-08-11
Birthplace: Balikpapan, Indonesia

Kevin Herlambang was born on 11 August 2001 in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Influenced a lot by Indovidgram, an Indonesian video instagram community, Kevin started to have an interest in film making. He started making short videos (15 sec) in his instagram since 2014. In school, he usually involved in video making or drama as a director, actor, and even an editor. Furthermore, he also learned on his own by watching other people sharing and experiences. Nowadays, he studied mechanical engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and join a film community called LFM.


I Need To Go To The Toilet
Character: Pedestrian 3
The Virtual Life
Character: MARLO