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Vincentius Bhagaskara

AKA: Vincentius Bhagaskara S.
Birthday: 2004-08-05
Birthplace: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Vincentius Bhagaskara is an undergraduate astronomy student at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). He was born on August 5th, 2004, in Bandung. His hobbies are watching, acting, and creating films. His most ambitious dream is to create a film containing stars in outer space so that he doesn't need to keep going to Bosscha Observatory for his studies. He is currently a member of a film and photography community called Liga Film Mahasiswa (LFM) ITB and a theatre community called Studi Teater Mahasiswa (STEMA) ITB.


I Need To Go To The Toilet
Character: Fulqon
Knock on The Door
Character: Ghost